There’s so much out there that we just don’t know about, and often we don’t even realize what we’re missing! For example, did anyone ever teach you about how sugar really affects your body? Or the perks of intermittent fasting? I never learned about the connection between the food industry and big pharma in school.
When it comes to personal finance, did school teach you how to buy a home, why insurance is important, how taxes actually work, or the value of maintaining good cash flow?
ThinkAsif.ca is all about filling in those gaps and helping you make sense of it all so that you can make informed decisions in the future.

As I've gotten older, I've realized that you can't enjoy anything including wealth if your health isn't right. I want to be around long enough to watch my kids grow up and I want to ensure I can enjoy their growing years. No amount of wealth can help your life if your health is failing so it's important that I focus my energy on bettering my health.